Oishí (Japanese) - {better, best,
happy and blessed}
Special type of tomato, Japanese origin

OishiiTom tomatoes

About OishiiTom

What Makes OishiiTom so different and exceptional

Introduced in 2020

OishiiTom was introduced to various growers all over the world in 2020 and we explained that it was not just any tomato, it had a very special story behind it.

Very new to the US and European market

The deep red colour, the sweet and savoury taste made it special and attracted the attention from many growers all over the world.
This flavour and colour combination was not yet available in the market and would be very new to the US and European market.

Eating with your eyes

Deep red, feast for your eyes, but once you tasted them you are hooked.
That’s why we named the product OishiiTom: the Japanese Oishii translates to: better, best, happy and blessed.
They look better than any other variety, taste the best, you will be happy eating them, you even feel blessed.


Growing OishiiTom to their full potentional

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